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Rob Smith











FOREVER FRIENDS: Rainbow Bridge Services




SOUNDCLOUD - 44 x EVP Examples



‘RISING’ blog

RISING refers to the transition and reconstitution of consciousness from this physically dense vibrationary sensate world of form, to subtler and more diverse vibrationary expressions of consciousness.

Rob Smith


Not really a ‘titles’ man, but if I had to choose, I would refer to myself as a “Technically Assisted Liberation Medium and Transitional Counsellor”:

(Rev) Robert James Lyle Smith is a former Medical technologist and Research worker with Monash University and formative member of a Medical Research Team with the Departments of Surgery/Medicine at the Alfred Hospital, Baker Medical Research Institute, and Department of Physiology at Melbourne University during the 1970s/1980s. He felt a calling to Church Ministry and following the completion of a Bachelor of Theology, (majoring in Systematic Theology and Pastoral Studies) at the Melbourne College of Divinity at Melbourne University, was ordained in 1983 as a Minister of the Word in the Uniting Church in Australia and served as a rural/urban Parish Minister and School Chaplain. He left the Church in 1991. Since 1992 he has been a certified Funeral Celebrant with the Australian Federation of Civil Celebrants and organises and facilitates transitional events for People and Pets. An important derivative of his work within the Funeral Industry has been the development of transitional Guidance Counselling for incarnate and partially transitioned people. His ITC/EVP work provides empirical insights into the nature of transitional consciousness and life continuance. His worldview has been shaped by many disparate disciplines, including theology, quantum science, philosophy, psychology, mystical thought, and a vast empirical library of ethereal evidential recorded audio and visual documentation.

Instrumental Trans Communication (ITC) has changed rob’s life and he uses his gifts to assist in the liberation and transition of discarnate souls, and to educate people via psychospiritual counselling to better prepare themselves for dimensional transition.

Rob has recorded hundreds of communications from discarnate people from other realms of existence, and provides solid empirical evidence that conscious life is an ongoing transitional experience that continues beyond our physical demise, and he encourages others to explore this ‘technological augmented form of spirit contact’ for themselves. For rob, conscious awareness transcends physical death, although it may become distorted and disorientated during transition when transmuting to new realms of being.


Nothing binds you except your thoughts, nothing limits you except your fear, and nothing controls you except your beliefs." ~ Marianne Williamson


"Where one's focus lies is the very point of one's entrapment." ~ rob smith


We don't go 'home' when we transition from this life - we go into the next room, which is a finer and broader experience of conscious awareness ~ William Buhlman


All of our self-perceptions and self-conceptions are limiting... ~ William Buhlman

"Our mindsets determine the reality that we will experience ...” ~ William Buhlman


“What condemnation could possibly be harsher than one’s own, when self-pretense is no longer possible?” ~ WHAT DREAMS MAY COME

"Souls create their own heaven or hell by the way they manage their thoughts." ~ William Buhlman


It is possible to enhance the state of our consciousness at the moment of our transition (we can go beyond consensual realties) by preparatory work. “GO to your HIGHER Self NOW ...." "NOW I go to the clear light of the void" form-based consensual realities of the astral. (Tibetan Buddhists) ~ William Buhlman

"My conscious awareness inhabits those receptive spaces between the illuminating insights of quantum physics and the inherent wisdom of mystical spirituality...” ~ rob smith


“My current focus of attention is concerned with the discipline of 'psycho-spirituality' which specifically addresses how we can prepare ourselves for transition beyond the physical into the next phase of our conscious state of existence.” ~ rob smith


“The universe will use any vehicle and any medium to communicate with us. Our job is to be alert and to listen.” ~ Elaine Seiler


“If one likes acronyms, one relating to ITC/EVP devices could be defined as: “Technologically Assisted Communication Interfacing Tool” (TACIT) “~ rob smith


“Looking for consciousness in the brain is like looking inside a radio for the announcer.” ~ Nassim Haramein


“ITC/EVP is still exploited by film and TV media from a ‘fear-based’ stance mainly for entertainment, amusement and financial gain.” (White Noise 2005)

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