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Shane Gray

Mea Cura or is that Mea culpa?

Both are fine.I have been practising/dabbling and generally indulging in many spiritual and self developmental paths for over a decade now. I'm something of a jack of trades in that a know a little about many systems.It began with Wicca as I imagine many modern westerners spiritual journeys do but has since shifted into other forms.I'm a devotee (man that word grates my ego) of Kali but would never consider myself a Hindu.


Both Tantra and Advaita resonate with my spiritual heart and conversely Hermetic Kabbalah and Tarot appeal to my more intellectual spiritual leanings and Shamanistic systems seem to straddle both worlds.


I like to mostly think of myself as simply a seeker. Its the learning journey (The Raidho) that matters to me.I only truly want for freedom, in every conceivable manner but with an emphasis on freedom from my own limitations, baggage blah blah blah.Oh and a nice bottle of Rum or Single Malt or Vodka or Bourbon, well you get the point. I'm big on self awareness and responsibility and but like most folk I often seem to lack the motivation to act on my observations.


Yup I reckon I'm probably the laziest would be mystic/magi/witchy whatever on the block.That's ok, I'm good that. I make progress in my own way. I have faith, and a sense of humour. Both are indispensable if you want to have a good life. My "Muggle" life includes working in Disability services (Direct support), growing my children (my Chillies) and hanging with my fantastic girl and Kitties. This is All. Om Shanti S. Jai Kali Ma!




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